“I think it is not right to identify Islam with terrorism. It is not right and it is not true. I think that in nearly all religions there is always a small fundamentalist group.
I don’t like to talk about Islamic violence because every day when I look at the papers I see violence here in Italy – someone killing his girlfriend, someone killing his mother-in-law. These are baptized Catholics.
If I speak of Islamic violence, I have to speak of Catholic violence. Not all Muslims are violent.
I know it dangerous to say this but terrorism grows when there is no other option and when money is made and it, instead of the person, is put at the center of the world economy.
That is the first form of terrorism. That is a basic terrorism against all humanity. Let’s talk about that.”
– Pope Francis
According to Dr. Ajai Sahni, former director of India’s Institute for Conflict Management (ICM), Bangladesh is an area of “potential” rather than “imminent” threat in context of terrorism. But brazen terrorist attack at Holey Artisan restaurant on 01 July 2016 has put Bangladesh under both ‘potential’ and ‘imminent’ threats. This very attack has changed the overall scenario and concept of threat perception concerning terrorism and militancy.
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Terrorism in Bangladesh is a relatively new but internationally linked phenomenon, compared to many other South Asian states. Bangladesh has witnessed a sharp rise in terrorism from the mid-nineties. During the past several years, a nexus has developed between terrorist groups and other elements like smuggling syndicates, criminal gangs, foreign insurgents, outlawed organizations, and remnants of defunct insurgent groups that mutually nourish a supporting network for each other with conflicting aims. Terrorism is a serious threat for the process of stability and development in Bangladesh. Political, religious and racial discrimination have given birth to terrorism. Terrorism is also hampering the activities of socio-economic development where threat and intimidation are shown to realize the percentage of profit. Right after the Holy Artisan attack foreign investments and export started facing utmost difficulties, especially our life line of the foreign currency earnings- the garment sector is struggling to cope up with the arising situation. What terrorism does is that it destroys the will power of the common people, spread fear and a sense of uncertainty among the business community and finally capitulate the very will power of the nation. In Bangladesh the aim of the terrorists is the same. But how far Bangladesh is gripped with the menace of terror or does it have the unity and courage to withstand the reality in real terms?
Bangladesh has a population of nearly 160 million, in which 98.7% are of Bengali origin. When other countries in South Asian region like Pakistan, Afghanistan, even India had been facing with extreme terrorism and insurgency, Bangladesh relatively remained calm and quite. Though in 2005 militancy struck with terror all over the country but the law enforcing agencies and intelligence organizations could successfully trace the culprits and bring the situation under control within a shortest possible time. Now the situation is quite different. Terrorists attacked in such a way that could only be compared to the acts of the hardened terror outfits found around the globe. Whether it is home grown or sponsored from outside, we can’t keep our heads into the sands like Ostrich. In the following write up we will highlight the salient factors, root causes of terrorism as well as the profiles of various terrorist groups in Bangladesh.
Bangladesh denounces terrorism in all its forms and manifestation and Bangladeshi media has already shown its strong commitment against terrorism. Much of it was done through investigative reporting which helped to create awareness among the policymakers and to shape public opinion conducive to the government’s counterterrorism efforts. Bangladeshi law enforcing agencies and intelligence organizations with their meager resources and equipment have shown their resolve to eradicate the menace of terrorism. But we have to be vigilant for any consequence; we must not show any laxity in the days to come.
On the other hand how should we determine the nature of the present situation and who is behind that? At this stage, we can’t identify that whether it is terrorism or intelligence threat from other countries. It can even be an external intelligence threat implemented by terrorist cover. Whatever it is, this is high time for us to work on its root to identify the real game players and counter them at the same time. This job has never been so easy for anyone. But, the right approach can get us through to develop an effective action plan.
Whoever is playing behind the screen they are following set procedure in the name of terrorism, which are:
- From Drug, Gold and Human Trafficking they are acquiring their money.
- Through social media and VoIP, they are elaborating their network. With this network, they are getting the formula of making bombs at home.
- By killing bloggers, they want to win the sympathy of ignorant religious minded people (those who don’t have any clear idea about their religion).
- By killing foreigners, they want to make it internationally important and let the state mechanism know their capability.
- By ruthless attack on the foreigners (killing them with machetes) they want to deter foreign investment and destroy foreign currency earning industries like garments.
- By targeting people from minority sect, they want to create an internal clash within the people.
Recent security situation in Bangladesh is most critical this country has ever seen. There was no single incident of suicide bombing, hostage taking in Bangladesh whereas Afghanistan, Pakistan, Turkey, Iraq, Yemen, Somalia, Nigeria, Libya were ripped by wave of suicide bombings, car bombings, kidnappings and all other terror acts. Now Bangladesh is in trouble, but amazingly the pattern and participation are different than of the others.
Terrorism in Bangladesh is a relatively new, but both home grown and internationally linked phenomenon, compared to many other South Asian states. Bangladesh has witnessed a sharp rise in terrorism from the mid-nineties. During the past several years, a nexus has developed between terrorist groups and other elements like smuggling syndicates, criminal gangs, foreign insurgents, outlawed organizations, and remnants of defunct insurgent groups that mutually nourish a supporting network for each other with conflicting aims. Here not only the religion based terror groups have surfaced but ethnicity has also played a dominant role in surging so called ‘insurgency’ defying the sovereignty of the state in Chittagong Hill Tracts region. Rising of numerous splinter groups in that part of the country can be termed as terror acts where innocent civilians and security personnel are being targeted.
Immediate past two terrorist acts clearly show that the terrorists involved in those incidents are of different genres than those of the Afghan, Pak, African and Turkish terror groups. It was always found that the suicide bombers or hostage takers (like Al Shabab in Nigeria) hailed from mostly uneducated and underprivileged section of the society. Whereas in recent Holey Artisan attack in Bangladesh, all of the terrorists involved were identified as well-educated who had been habituated in Western lifestyle and were brought up in affluent families. This single difference tells us many things.
Causes of terrorism all around the world are somehow identical in nature. But for Bangladesh there are few different imperatives to count. These are:
1. Attacking Islam as a religion or faith by certain quarters: Bangladesh is a moderate Muslim country which is a democracy. But common people are very much religious in nature. In this society a group of media, certain personalities relentlessly propagate highly objectionable anti-Islamic rhetoric. For last three years or so, in the name of so called blogging an unknown group all on a sudden started attacking the very concept of Islam in an illicit and perverted manner. They try to impress the Westerners that they are `secular’ pointing out the conservative irregularities with `logic’; which is totally false. It is seen that these bloggers just don’t bother for any logic or ethics and propagate all vulgar things against the Prophet of Islam and his wives which clearly represents their perversion and ill intent. They use all derogatory, abusive language never heard off from any sensible human being. There are many atheists in Bangladesh and they have been writing with full freedom for a long time. Notable Professor Ahmad Sharif (late) was a declared atheist and used to write volumes against religion. But he was respected by all as an honest and logical man. None had to attack him physically. On the other hand, these suddenly emerged bloggers neither have any brilliance in their writing nor do they follow the gentlemen’s code. They just humiliated the Prophet and attacked Islam as a faith using all possible vulgarities. It is well understood that they wanted to attract the attention of the western countries so that at one stage they can get asylum and many of them actually got! This very upsurge of bloggers poured fuel to the ‘waiting militants’ behind the curtain to raise propaganda among common masses. Any Muslim who has minimum attachment to Islam would certainly be deeply saddened by the way the bloggers’ humiliated their faith and are prone to be sympathetic to anyone targeting them. The terrorists grabbed this opportunity and killed few bloggers According to sources the sudden rise and of these so-called bloggers is a mystery and the where from they got funding is a big question. Whosoever might be the instigator at the backyard their main aim was to create chaos and anger in a Muslim majority country and they knew fully well that the militants would definitely be encouraged to hit the bloggers. It is to be noted that all the Muslims are not educated in this country and they know little about the teaching of Quran where it is pointedly told that none has the right to kill a human being. In Hadith (compilation of the sayings and deeds of the Prophet) also it is time and again mentioned citing personal examples of the Prophet himself that even someone humiliates or desecrate the faith none can kill or physically harm anyone. In other words, we can term the acts of these so-called bloggers as `Secular Extremism’ (which doesn’t represent secular views and ideas at all) which in turn attracts the ` Religious Extremism’ as envisaged in the Newton’s third law.
2. Soviet Aggression in Afghanistan and Its Aftermath: There was no terror act or militancy in the name of religion prior to the Soviet aggression in Afghanistan in 1979. Due to this uncalled-for aggression, USA and all other western powers joint hands together with Pakistan to teach the Soviets a lesson. To do this they depended on hard core Muslims who were ready to sacrifice their lives to defeat the atheist Soviet Union. Jihad – when used in case of waging war against the attackers and if waged collectively then it produces lethal effects. The West opted for this. And the Mujahidin from all around the Muslim world followed suit. Thus, the base of Al Qaeda and other militant groups was formed. In addition to this, after the withdrawal of the Soviet forces from Afghanistan western countries gave a damn to rehabilitate those Mujahidin who fought for their (west) interests and left Afghanistan hastily leaving a war torn country in a precarious condition. One by one the Mujahidin groups spread all over the region and at on stage stretched their hands on the west too. Many of the Bangladeshi people went to Afghanistan as Mujahidin to fight shoulder to shoulder with the Afghans. Once they returned, the battle hardened warriors found themselves totally isolated from the society and had to go without jobs or businesses, let alone earning bread and butter. By this time the west has gone haunting the `Islamic Militants’! This changing stand of the west put the common Mujahidin into dire situation and many of them joined hands with rising militant organizations willingly or subconsciously. Bangladesh chapter was not different either.
3. Lack of Education and Knowledge about Islam: Bangladesh has been investing heavily in education sector and illiteracy has been fading away gradually. But it will take time. Still there are millions all around the country those who are totally illiterate and are prone to be indoctrinated by fire breathing preachers. There are thousands of religious seminaries where modern amenities are absent and poor village students can easily fall into the trap of militancy. In these seminaries what are taught in the name of Islam is subject of research as there is no regulatory body to scrutiny them. The Ulemas who have knowledge about Islam can’t spread their wings at all the seminaries scattered throughout the rural areas. Militants fill this vacuum.
4. Discrimination: Lack of Modern Education and Poverty are more or less responsible for Social Discrimination for the Madrasha Students. They cannot compete with the modern educated students in job market. The Madrasha Educated Students suffer from ‘inferiority complex’ and a sense of deprivation always works actively in their mindsets. They cannot, simply, stand for this existing social order which they consider as discriminatory towards them. So, when they are asked to go for changing the existing social order which is man-made and discriminatory as well, they become the easy target of the Extremist perpetrators.
The other reasons identified include:
- Poverty
- Inferiority Complex
- Western and regional Imperialism and the damage it has caused to Second and Third World Cultures and Economies.
- Futility and being under Authoritarian Leadership.
- Biased Media Indoctrination.
- Restrain of Freedom of Speech and Free Thought.
- Fundamentalists believe that it is their job to rid the world of infidels.
- A refusal of those responsible to address the issues they caused.
In addition to, lack of moral education, diminishing influence of century-old social and religious values and practices, differentiated approach to education, over emphasis on ultra -secularism and creating confusion in understanding the concepts of secularism and religion etc.
Many other reasons might be identified being responsible for rise of radicalism or militancy in Bangladesh. Though the majority of the Muslims are not extremists, a younger section is being drawn into militancy as a way out of societal disorder.
In Islam there is no place for terrorism or extremism. The Holly Quran says, “La ekra ha fiddin” meaning there is no coercion in Islam. Even the sense of vengeance has been divorced from Islam. Yet, there is terrorism and there is an alarming rise of militancy.
Probably Bangladesh is the only country in this subcontinent which could successfully crush terror links within shortest possible time. In 2005 when JMB denoted explosives all over the country it took our law enforcing agencies, especially the RAB to nab all the kingpins of JMB within months and later all of them were prosecuted accordingly. During that time intelligence organizations with their limited resources proved their mettle. What our LEAs and Int. organizations have been doing after Holy Artisan attack is commendable. But before this terror attack we must say that there had been lack of coordination among the LEAs and Int. organizations. Rather it can be said that they failed to assimilate the information and those who were involved in the Holey Artisan terror plot went missing for significant period. Not only did these fallen terrorists go missing, nearly 200 young students (to be terrorists) somehow or rather of the same background went missing within last one year. All missing cases were reported to the concerned police stations by their parents. Some went as far as to report these to the intelligence agencies too. The missing patterns were almost same in nature.

First, these young educated guys from well off families suddenly stopped using social media; Second, they started avoiding universities or colleges where they were enrolled; third, organizing in a group of four or five they started disappearing. Another significant phenomenon was the particular behavior of the Hizbut Tahrir associated youngsters. From the beginning of Facebook or other social media invention or adoption of them in Bangladesh HuT was found very much active in this field to motivate and recruit from the educated brand of youths. As usual their aim was to penetrate inside armed forces (what HuT does in every Muslim country), propagate their utopian idea of so called Caliphate, and allure maximum educated young people to join hands with them. From where their funding comes is still a mystery, from where they print their posters and leaflets even after being a banned organization is a million dollar question, but reality is they have been actively present in our society. Few months back HuT had the audacity to arrange a short meeting openly at the vicinity of Gulshan mosque after Asr prayer (afternoon prayer) which is just 200 yards away from the nearest police station! Next they organized a procession with few hundred associates near Rampura-Dhaka holding banners and placards. None of them was arrested. And yet they suddenly started disappearing from social media from January 2015. Those who picked up social media as their base and vanishes from a certain period should have been a critical issue for analysis of the intelligence organizations. It was also rumored in concerned circles that the HuT operatives had been gathering under the flag of ISIS where other terror outfits were also found started joining hands. Whether this core group or organization is ISIS or not, getting together should have rang alarm bell within the LEA circles. Here information might be there with them about disappearance or disassociation from social media, but no significant coordination work was done and government remained unnoticed about the impending disaster.

Terrorists didn’t come for a ruthless hostage taking and massacre with hotchpotch preparation; rather it was well planned, coordinated in details and executed with professional skills. It is well understood that they had to undergo a thorough training and preparation which indicates their organizational sturdiness. They must have safe houses, training facilities whether inside or outside of the country, adequate funding, intelligence set up and indoctrination of highest grade.
While these terrorists had been preparing for terror attacks, somehow or rather it went unnoticed in the concerned quarters. But the incidents preceding the Holey Artisan attack should have been analyzed properly and precautionary measures should have been taken for any impending terror attack. Surprisingly gathering information, assimilation and collation were not in the minds of the people responsible for the national security. Simply we can tell there were lack of intelligence and cooperation among intelligence agencies which ultimately failed to give proper attention to counter terrorism. Though a separate counter terrorism and transnational unit was formed just few months back which was surely in a nascent form, but the other counter terrorism outfits of different intelligence agencies couldn’t come up to the mark in the time of crisis. There are the following sections in different intelligence organizations which deal with the same issue but with less cooperation among each other:
a. CTIB (Counter Terrorism Intelligence Bureau of DGFI): This bureau of elite intelligence organization of Directorate General of Forces Intelligence is the best organized and equipped to deal with terrorism related issues. Being the first of its kind in Bangladesh it naturally maintains cooperation with friendly organizations of different foreign countries. This bureau has outfits all over Bangladesh, but the basic problem of this bureau is they lack lawful support to independently act and take action. They can collect information and then if an action is required they have to pass it to the concerned civilian organization, whereas this bureau performed excellently to counter all possible threats after 9/11 in conjunction with the friendly agencies.
b. Counter Terrorism Outfit Of NSI: During last BNP government period this outfit was set up at National Security Intelligence which is supposed to be the prime int. organization of the country. But this particular set up doesn’t have adequate trained personnel and modern equipment. They also don’t have the legal base to arrest or take action against any suspect and have to pass the information to police for necessary action. Even though achievement of this outfit is above expectation.
c. RAB Intelligence Wing: No doubt RAB intelligence has so far nabbed hundreds of terrorists but they also lack in working in a broader form. With limited resources this wing can’t spread its wings what others imagine.
d. Counter Terrorism And Transnational Crime Unit: This unit was formed just few months back and still is in a state of organizing itself. This unit is totally manned by the police personnel. As usual they still don’t have sophisticated equipment and well trained manpower though the personnel from Detective Branch of Police were coopted in this organization. So far within a short span of time this unit has performed well. But prior to 1st July incident they couldn’t predict or assess any possible large scale terror attack which can be accepted not as their fault as this organization was just born then.
The above mentioned outfits responsible for countering any sort of terror issues might be manned by good officers but the very system of working separately without full coordination among each other is the main weakness of our national counter terrorism policy. And just for this absence of cooperation and coordination LEAs failed to reach a decision even after so many young guys went missing and number of incidents occurred spanning a timeframe of one year or so.
If we analyze the following incidents, it clearly indicated that something being in the pipeline:

01.01.15 1st Quarter
05.01.15 Yaba worth $10.6m Seized BY Navy
27.02.15 Blogger Avijit Roy Killed
30.03.15 Blogger Washiqur Rahman Babu Killed
01.04.15 2nd Quarter
14.04.15 New Terrorist Group ShahidHamza Brigade Identified
08.05.15 UNHCR Reports of Doubling Human Trafficking In BOB
12.05.15 Blogger AnantaBijoy Das Killed
20.05.15 The Refugee Crisis In South-East Asia Hits Jackpot
31.05.15 End of 2nd Quarter
Date Milestone
01.07.15 3rd Quarter
08.08.15 Blogger Niloy Neel Killed
15.08.15 5 EKIA As Army Skirmishes With JSS
18.08.15 Alleged SHB Financiers Apprehended
27.08.15 ALP Raids BGB Camp
03.09.15 Alleged ABT Hitlist Published From London
04.09.15 Hizbut Tahrir Online Meeting
05.09.15 Apprehended RSO Operatives Confirm Regrouping In CTG
28.09.15 Italian Killed In Dhaka
30.09.15 End of 3rd Quarte
Date Milestone
01.10.15 4th Quarter
03.10.15 Japanese Killed In Rangpur
05.10.15 JMB Members Held In CTG
05.10.15 ALP Kidnaps Trekkers
06.10.15 Alleged JMB Militant Mastermind Killed
06.10.15 News Report About Probable Mossad Spy Rita Katz spreading disinformation
07.10.15 20 IS Suspects Arrested
07.10.15 Young Woman Boards DHK-CTG Flight Sans Any Ticket

It was at the end of holy month of Ramadan. People had been enjoying government holidays. Dhaka city was calm and quiet and preparing for Eid. Law enforcing agencies were also passing time in a relaxed mood. In such circumstances the terrorists attacked right at the heart of the `highly secured’ diplomatic enclave. It was nonetheless a grave failure on the part of the LEAs and intelligence organizations as to how the armed terrorists could penetrate through the security perimeter laid in and around the diplomatic zone!
However, Police, RAB, SWAT team- all reacted promptly and laying down lived by two police officers prove their desperation to tackle the situation. But probably none could visualize or understand at the beginning that it was a hostage taking terror act. Rather all might have thought it an act of the hooligans or criminals those who used to collect ransom during Eid period.
During the whole period of the drama, specialized units like RAB and SWAT personnel failed to proceed with effective measures including the art of taming down the hostage takers. There was lot of chaos and confusion as to who or which unit would launch operations or to do what? It clearly shows our weaknesses on crisis management system. In case of such eventuality which organization would do what or what would be their particular roles was not visibly observed, rather it was a hotchpotch like situation. There was no lack of courage or efforts by the LEAs but a definitive coordination was absent. It was also observed that the personnel of the LEAs were not trained to tackle such terror attack, especially a hostage taking situation.
At one stage navy commandos were called in to patrol the adjacent lake area and talks were on among the decision makers to involve army commandos. By this time crucial night had already passed. When the political decision was given, army commandos were airlifted from Sylhet which is far away from Dhaka. Even though the army commandos went in within a shortest possible time out of which they had to go for ground reconnaissance, make a plan, brief the participating commandos and execute it within less than 15 minutes! But they did. All the terrorists were killed in action and area was secured. Here few questions were raised among the critics- why the army commandos were stationed far away from the capital? Why it took so much of time to take decision of mobilizing army? Where the commandos would station themselves is a government decision and might be the concerned authorities were taken aback which took them longer time to take a precise decision. Another thing is that, that was the first such hostage taking situation in the history of Bangladesh ( In 1977 a Japanes Airlines – JAL plane was hijacked by the Red Army terror group and brought to the Tejgaon airport. Bangladesh authority had to negotiate that crucial hostage taking situation. But that was different issue where no Bangladeshi terrorist was involved). So, naturally it was difficult for the LEAs and government to act with speed.

Army commando operation can be termed as crisp, swift, efficient and successful. So as to the terror attack- shock and awe gripped the whole nation with panic. All the terrorists involved were found educated, hailed from affluent families and well trained to launch such an attack. They were fully prepared with arms, explosives including grenades. How they could prepare themselves defying the vigilant eyes of the intelligence organizations? That’s a million dollar question. But can we blame our agencies out rightly? They are undermanned, ill equipped and busy with other jobs out of their professional perimeter. It also shows that our LEAs don’t have state of the art equipment and technical knowhow to trace the terror networks efficiently. It’s the duty of the government to equip them, task them appropriately so that they don’t spoil their precious time and professional knowledge running behind political shadows.
During the army commando operation five terrorists were killed. When everyone involved in the cleansing up had been busy with determining the facts, western media and USA specifically claimed that those killed were of ISIS origin. Even the mysterious open source intelligence named Site Intelligence Group run by Rita Cartz published the photographs and names of the militants who took part in the attack in her website. There all the five terrorists were seen photographed putting on ISIS uniform and holding AK-22. On the other hand Bangladesh government reiterated that the incident was a case of home grown militancy which didn’t have any relation with the dreaded ISIS. Whatever might be the attachment of the terrorists, 1st July 2016 remains a black day for Bangladesh where 20 Italian and Japanese nationals got killed brutally raising an alarm bell in the concerned quarters.
During the Holey Artisan crisis, Bangladeshi media, particularly the electronic media displayed an irresponsible attitude. When the LEAs were hell bent to bring the situation under control these media had been covering live in such a way that could have jeopardized the whole operation, even some media were found to go for the trial at their own which was nothing but media trial. At one stage government had to intervene and stop live coverage. This was a ground for those media to learn how to act during such crisis. Hopefully they could understand.
Within days of the above mentioned hostage taking, terrorists attacked again at Sholakia-Kishoreganj on the very day of holy Eid. Same type of educated young guys took part in attacking and killing police personnel. The LEAs were already ina shock after the July 1st incident and this Eid day killing brought additional shock for them. But fortunately they didn’t succumb to terror and rather they went ahead with full vigor and speed. RAB, newly formed Counter Terrorism and Transnational Crime Unit launched all out counter attack against the terror outfits. And by this time they could apprehend and kill a significant numbers of terrorists. If proper equipment can be supplied and better training can be imparted then the LEAs can hopefully close their spider net around the necks of the terrorists.
Government has already taken number of security measures to ensure security and safety of the foreigners and local populace. They have also declared that if any of the terrorists come back to normal life then government would help them to rehabilitate. Side by side RAB and Police have launched applications for mobiles through which people can inform them about any unusual happenings surrounding them. No doubt, without public confidence building and active support the menace of terrorism will remain alive. But few security measures are backfiring. Common people and the business community have started showing their anger and frustration. The pattern of few security measures taken by the LEAs actively spreading panic and creating such a situation as if the country is in war footing! Which also shows their lack of training in this respect? It is the duty of the government to show normalcy and build confidence among the people so that the foreigners don’t turn their backs and favorable environment exists for businesses. There is no need to show highhandedness rather to tackle the situation with warm hands. Terror attacks happen in many countries, but they don’t let the world understand their weaknesses. As example we can refer to Thailand. There had been number of terror attacks there during last one year period where tourists were killed. But Thai government handles the situation in a manner which doesn’t make the tourists fearful to visit that country. We have something to learn from them.
While Islamist extremists have not engaged in any act of overt violence in 2008 to 2015, groups like the Jamaatul Mujahidin Bangladesh (JMB) continue to maintain an active presence across the country, despite their proscription and the arrest of hundreds of their cadres. Additionally, Bangladesh continues to be a transit and launching point for terrorist groups which target India and Southeast Asia. It is alleged that the groups likeLashkar-e-Taiba (LeT) and Harkat-ul-Jihad-al-Islami (HuJI) retain a presence within Bangladesh, and might have used its territory to launch terrorist attacks against India. Side by side number of terror outfits have taken sanctuary inside India and operated from there to carry out terrorist attacks inside Bangladesh.
The arrest of three L-e-T militants, Mufti Obaidullah, Moulana Mohammad Mansur Ali alias Moulana Habibullah and Muhaddis Obaidullah few years back who were active in the country for 14 years in the guise of madrassa teachers, highlighted the continued presence of outside-backed terroristgroups. These three militants were earlier affiliated with the now-dormant Indian militant group, the Asif Reza Commando Force (ARCF); they escaped from India before fleeing into Bangladesh where they took charge of the LeT’s local chapter. Their interrogation provided important information on cross-border terrorism emanating from foreign country and local political support for the LeT in Bangladesh.
Militant Organizations in Bangladesh (Religious and Others)
According to concerned sources there are the following militant groups active in Bangladesh:
1. Jamaatul Mujahidin – JMB
2. Jagrata Muslim Janata Bangladesh- JMJB
3. Harkatul Jihad Al Islami Bangladesh- HUJI ( BD )
4. Allahar Dal ( Party of God )
5. TamirUdDeen- Bangladesh
6. Touhidi Trust
7. Shahadat Al
8. Hijbul Mahdi
9. Hijb ut Touhid
10. Ulamaye Anjuman Al Baiyinaat
11. Hijbut Tahrir Bangladesh
12. Islamic Democratic Party
13. Jadid Al Qaeda
14. IslamiBiplobiParishad (Islamic Revolutionary Movement)
15. IslamiSamaj (Islamic Society)
16. Islami Jihad
17. Jamaatul Muslimeen
18. Al Harkat Al Islamia
19. Jamaat E Yahya Ar Turaba
20. Al Markazul Al Islami Bangladesh
21. JamaatulFalaiyaa
22. Touhidi Janata
23. Bishwa Islami Front (World Islamic Front)
24. Jummatul Al Sadad
25. Shahadat E Nobuot
26. Joyshe Mostafa
27. Al Jihad
28. World Islamic Front For Jihad
29. Warat Islamic Front
30. Jamaat TusSabab
31. Al Khidmat
32. Harkatul Islam Al Jihad
33. Hizbullah Islami Samaj ( Hibullah Islamic Society )
34. Muslim MillatShariah Council
35. Ahle Hadith Bangladesh
36. Bashbith
37. Al Islam Martyrs
38. Islam O Muslim.
39. Shahid Hamza Brigade
40. Asif Reza Commando Force (ARCF)
41. Purba Banglar Communist Party, (A radical leftist organization)
42. Sarbahara Party (a radical underground party which follows ultra-leftist ideology) and
43. UPDF (Chittagong Hill Tracts)
In its efforts to counter terrorism, the government of Bangladesh has so far banned the following Islamist extremist groups for their suspected militant connections:
- Jamaatul Mujahidin Bangladesh – JMB
- Jagrata Muslim Janata Bangladesh – JMJB
- Harkat ul Jihad Al Islami – HUJI
- Shahadat Al Hikma
- Hijbut Touhid
- Allahar Dal
- slami Samaj
- Towhidi Trust
- Tamira Ad Deen
- Islamic Democratic Party
- Hizb ut Tahrir Bangladesh
- Ulamae Anjuman e Al Baiyinaat
- Ansarullah Bangla Team
Forms of terrorism, as discussed earlier, indicate that regional and international linkages of terrorism have become a major concern for Bangladesh. Bangladesh’s stability is now threatened by money laundering, international terrorism financing, cross-border movement of terrorists, proliferation of small arms originating from Pakistan, India and Myanmar, and illicit drugs. Al Haramain (Bangladesh Branch), Global Relief Foundation (GRF), Jamaat-ul- Mujahidin Bangladesh (JMB) and Harkat-ul-Jihad al-Islami (HUJI) are actively involved in money laundering and have made Dhaka the transit center for their money laundering, drug, and human trafficking operations. JMB is not fully crippled and its financial muscle is unaffected. Monthly funds in-flow is estimated at over Bangladesh Taka 50 lakh (about 80 Taka = one US dollar) from local and foreign sources.
The police investigations and confessions of the arrested leaders reveal that JMB collects funding from domestic sources. It shows that JMB received around Taka 50 to 60 lakhin cash during the holy month of Ramadan in 2009. In the Bangla month of Baishakh of the same year, about Taka 10 lakh flow into the kitty, mainly from North Bengal, in the form of Zakat and Ushr (a portion of harvested crop given as donation). The outfit is also into business enterprises like Taxi cabs, CNG-run three wheelers, vans and rickshaws (revenue Taka 50,000). These are sources that are traced or acknowledged. What about hidden sources, which, by general consensus, are one too many?
According to concerned sources , Bangladesh’s vulnerability to terror finance comes mostly from foreign remittances sent in the name of charities, and also from the use of cash couriers, which is unique to the country. According to sources,most non-government organizations (NGOs) style themselves as nonprofit organizations (NPO).
The sector is home to registered societies, associations, clubs, companies limited by guarantee and foundation, and the like. Their number is put at 60,000 plus. Apart from this the criminal activities, i.e. smuggling, trafficking in drugs and humans, ransom and chadabaazi (extortion) are the principal sources of terror financing.
Here we will highlight some of the terrorist outfits operating in Bangladesh. While these terrorist groups had not engaged in major acts of overt violence of grave nature till July 2016, the following major groups continue to maintain an active presence across the country preaching their so called ideologies and recruiting activists:

Dr. Asadullah Galib of Rajshahi University formed an organization named Ahle Hadith JuboShagathon (Youth Forum) in 1978 where youths having extremist ideology voluntarily joined and later on this organization turned into ‘Ahle Hadith Andolon’ (Movement) in 1994. Siddiqul Islam alias Bangla Bhai – a prudent follower of this organization later on established an ultra- extremist organization named Jagrata Muslim Janata where Moulana Shaikh Abdur Rahman was later made the head of the organization. For its alleged controversial and extremist activities government of Bangladesh disbanded this organization on 23 February 2005. Later on Bangla Bhaiand Abdur Rahman were arrested by RAB during last BNP government’s period, tried in special court and hanged.
Formation: The Jagrata Muslim Janata Bangladesh (JMJB), an Islamist vigilante outfit that espouses the ideals of the Taliban, attempted to ensure that the northwestern region of the country was ‘swept clean’ of the activities of left-wing extremist groups, primarily the Purba Banglar Communist Party. A certain section of the Bangladeshi media indicated that the JMJB is an outgrowth of the Islamist militant outfit Jama’atul Mujahideen Bangladesh. Indeed, there is considerable overlap between the leadership of the JMB and the JMJB.
As per its senior leader Maulana Abdur Rahman, who was also the chief of JMB, the outfit was formed in 1998. However, when the JMJB first came to limelight on April 1, 2004, it was also known by other names like Mujahidin Alliance Council, Islami Jalsha and Muslim Raksha Mujahideen Oikya Parishad.
Leadership: In the early hours of March 30, 2007, JMJB chief Siddiqul Islam alias Azizur Rahman alias Omar Ali Litu alias Bangla Bhai was hanged in Kashimpur jail, where he was kept since his arrest on March 6, 2006 from the remote Rampur village under the Muktagachha sub-district of Mymensingh, 120 kilometres north of Dhaka following skirmishes with the Rapid Action Battalion (RAB). Hanged on the same day were five other top militants of the Jama’atul Mujahideen Bangladesh (JMB), including its ‘supreme commander’ Maulana Abdur Rahman. All these militants, including Siddiqul Islam, had been pronounced guilty by the Supreme Court of involvement in the killing of two judges in Jhalakathi in November 2005. On March 4, 2007, President Iajuddin Ahmed had rejected their mercy petitions paving the way for their execution. The highest decision-making body of the JMJB is the seven-member Majlish-e-Shura. Apart from Siddiqul Islam and JMB chief, Abdur Rahman, other members of the council included Ashikur Rahman, Hafez Mahmud, Tarek Moni and Khaled. Information regarding the Shura, after the March 30, 2007 executions, is not available. ‘Commander’ Bangla Bhai hailed from Bogra district and claimed that, as a college student, he had joined the Islami Chhatra Shibir (ICS), student wing of the Jamaat-e-Islami. Bangla Bhai had also claimed that he quit the ICS in 1995 after the Jamaat accepted female leadership, which according to him was a sacrilege. On the other hand, Maulana Abdur Rahman was reported to have worked at the Saudi embassy in Dhaka between 1985 and 1990. He studied at the Medina Islamic University in Saudi Arabia and had reportedly traveled to India, Pakistan and Afghanistan, among other countries.
Objectives and Ideology: The JMJB follows the ideals of the Taliban militia and propagates a movement based on jihad. Its chief has been quoted as stating that “our model includes many leaders and scholars of Islam. But we will take as much (ideology) from the Taliban as we need.” It has explicitly stated on more than one occasion that it does not subscribe to the prevailing political system in Bangladesh and that it would “build a society based on the Islamic model laid out in the Holy Quran and Hadith’’. The JMJB functions with an avowed objective of neutralizing the left-wing extremists, especially cadres of the PBCP. The professed long-term goal of the outfit is to usher in an ‘Islamic revolution’ in Bangladesh through Jihad.
Organization: The JMJB reportedly has a three-tier organization. The first tier of the outfit consists of activists, called Ehsar, who are recruited on a full-time basis and act at the behest of the higher echelons. The second tier, known as GayeriEhsar, has over 100,000 part-time activists. The third tier involves those who indirectly co-operate with the JMJB. According to JMJB leaders, the whole country has been divided into nine organizational divisions. Khulna, Barisal, Sylhet and Chittagong have an organizational divisional office each, while Dhaka has two divisional offices and in Rajshahi three. The outfit also had committees in each village and, according to media reports; villagers were being forced to join the committees. If anybody refused, he was branded as a ‘collaborator’ of the PBCP and taken to the JMJB ‘trial center’.
Areas of activity and influence: The JMJB created strong bases in the districts of Rajshahi, Satkhira, Naogaon, Bagerhat, Jessore, Chittagong, Joypurhat,Natore, Rangpur, Bogra, and Khulna. It has allegedly spread its network to most Madrassas (seminaries) and other educational institutions in these districts. The outfit also established at least 10 camps at Atrai and Raninagar in Naogaon district, Bagmara in Rajshahi district, and Naldanga and Singra in Natore district. There were reports of JMJB recruits being given training through recorded speeches of Osama bin Laden and the video footages of training at Al Qaeda’s Farooque camp (now defunct) in Afghanistan. Some JMJB leaders reportedly stated that the outfit is headquartered in Dhaka. However, media reports indicated all activities of the organization revolving around Jamalpur.
Cadres: Bangla Bhai on occasions claimed that JMJB commanded the strength of 300000 activists across the country. At present the outfit is believed to have about 10,000 full-time activists and spends up to Taka seven hundred thousand on them a month.
Weaponry: JMJB cadres during their vigilante operations in 2004 were seen with firearms. They also reportedly wielded swords, other sharp weapons, hammers and hockey sticks. Reports indicate that the JMJB also has access to crude explosives.
Finance: Regarding the sources of income, Bangla Bhai was reported to have said, “People from all rungs of society are generously paying us funds, no one is pressurized for money. If someone happily makes a donation, there’s no problem.” Abdur Rahman also was reported to have set up a mosque and a seminary with financial assistance from the non-governmental organization Rabita-e-Islam and another organisation, Islami Oytijjho Sangstha. It’s still a mystery from where JMJB actually got huge funding and arms.
Erstwhile Soviet Union carried out an aggression against Afghanistan on 27 December 1979. To liberate Afghanistan a group of Muslims headed by MoulanaIrshad Ahmed, Moulana Abdus Samad Saiaal, Moulana Abdur Rahman Faruqi and Moulana Saifullah Akhter formed an organization named Harkat Al Jihad Al Islami (HUJI) on 17 June 1980 at a place nearer to Afghan border. First nominated Ameer (Leader) was Moulana Irshad Ahmed of Pakistan who fought fiercely against the Soviet occupation forces and killed in 1985. Then Moulana Saifullah Akhter took over the organization and continued till 1992. During this Afghan war Moulana Sheikh Abdus Salam was the deputy commander of the Bangladeshi fighters fighting the Soviets (He is now the convener of Islamic Democratic Party). Another Deputy Commander was Moulana Manjur Ahmed. In the meantime these two commanders formed Harkatul Jihad Al Islami – Bangladesh (HUJI-B) in 1986 while still fighting in Afghanistan. Founding members of HUJI- B were Moulana Abdur Rahman Faruqi, Moulana Sheikh Abdus Salam, late Moulana Manjur Ahmed, late Moulana Sheikh Ismail and late Moulana Abdul Hamid. Only Moulana Shekh Abdus Salam is still alive among the founding members of HUJI- B. So far six have performed their duty as Ameer from the beginning of its formation. They are : Late Moulana Abdur Rahman Faruqi ( 1986- 1989), Mufti Moulana Abdul Hai ( 1989- 1990) , Moulana Sheikh Abdus Salam ( 1990- 1993), Mufti Shafiqur Rahman ( 1993- 1995), Moulana Sheikh Abdus Salam ( 1990- 1993- for second time) and Mufti Abdul Hai ( 1997- 1998- second time).
On 30 April 1992 Soviet forces finally left Afghanistan. Bangladeshi fighters (Mujahideen) then came back to Bangladesh and organized a grand victory rally in the vicinity of national mosque – BaitulMukarram and Muslims of all walks happily participated in that rally. On that very same day this Mujahids announced its Bangladeshi chapter through a press conference held at National Press club. But from the very beginning a rivalry erupted among the Mujahids and they got divided in various groups and petty groups.
One group was led by Moulana Abu Jafar alias Moulana Saidur Rahman and another group was headed by Mufti Moulana Abdul Hannan. Moulana Abu Jafar established an organization named Harkatul Mujahideen and rent an office at Tikatuli in Dhaka. On another side Mufti Hannan rent another office at Khilgaon in the name of same Harkatul Mujahideen. On the other hand Moulana Abus Salam was the Ameer of HUJI- B which was established in Afghanistan. But nobody accepted the leadership of Abdus Salam. Then few religious leaders advised them all not to get divided with petty matters and indulged in any extremist activities. But the Mujahids freshly backed from Afghanistan didn’t pay any heed to this advice and none was ready to work unitedly. Then in 1993 again the religious leaders took some steps and pressurized them to come under one umbrella, and majority of the Mujahideens agreed. But many of the Hannan Group stayed with their old organization and refrained to join hands for unification. At this backdrop an organization called Harkatul Jihad was born. Main leaders of this organization were:
a. Ameer : Moulana Abu Jafar alias Moulana Abu Sayeed
b. Naebe Ameer : Moulana Shafiqur Rahman
c. Publicity Secretary : Mufti Abdul Hannan ( He is now in custody)
But Moulana Shafiqul Islam showed his unwillingness to work with Mufti Hannan. Then Mufti Hannan proclaimed himself as the Ameer / Leader of the party and within a short span of time he could organize the party at grass root level with stunning speed. But due to his extremist leniency many of the members started opposing him which put him under tremendous pressure. At one stage he was expelled from the party in 1998. Then Moulana Shafiqur Rahman got elected as the Ameer of HUJI- B.
In the meantime members of HUJI- B led by Moulana Sheikh Abdus Salam and Moulana Shafiqur Rahman suspended their activities in 1998. But a group of the fore runners of the party leaders continued their activities under different names. Prominent among these groups are: Islami Daoati Kafela, Islami Daoat, Shachetan IslamiJ anata, Islami Gono Andolon etc. Interestingly Mufti Hannan continued his activities under the same name of HUJI- B from where he was expelled!
For their alleged anti state activities and extremist nature government disbanded HUJI- B on 17 October 2005 during the last BNP period. State department of USA also black listed HUJI- B on 21 May 2002 as a terrorist organization and later on 5 March 2008 US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice declared it as a terrorist organization. It is to be noted that at present there are 400 Mujahids (Afghan war veteran) and unconfirmed report suggests that there are nearly 10,000 HUJI members in Bangladesh.
Source of Money and International Connection: At the beginning of its formation (HUJI) in 1980 in Afghanistan one of its main aims was to distribute relief materials to the war wounded fighters at various relief camps. Then many of the Muslim countries along with Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Qatar, Kuwait, USA stretched their helping hands to this organization out of which huge amount of wealth and money flooded HUJI account / fund. Side by side huge cache of arms was accumulated from USA and Israeli sources. After the withdrawal of the Soviet forces from Afghanistan many of the HUJI members returned to their countries with abundant of wealth and money which by the passage of time increased in volume. According to gathered information a number of foreign intelligence agencies still maintain close liaison with this organization to utilize it for their nefarious design in BD. At present HUJI is somehow active in Indonesia, Bangladesh, Pakistan, India, Myanmar, Malaysia and Thailand.
Areas of activity and influence: The coastal area stretching from the port city of Chittagong south through Cox’s Bazaar to the Myanmar border, notorious for piracy, smuggling and arms running, is the principal area of activity of the HuJI-B. The group reportedly maintains six camps in the hilly areas of Chittagong, where its cadres are trained in the use of weapons. Unconfirmed reports also indicate that it maintains six training camps near Cox’sBazaar. The HuJI-B cadres allegedly also infiltrate frequently into the eastern corridor of India to maintain contacts with terrorist and subversive outfits of the region. HuJI-B has been found to be responsible for a number of terrorist attacks mounted in Indian urban centres in recent years.
Cadres: Although there is no authoritative information on the actual cadre strength, most reports mention it to be around 10,000. Several of these recruits were trained in the Kormi and Kasia areas of Bangladesh. Further, many recruits were reportedly trained at various training camps in Afghanistan, primarily during the rule of the Taliban. Both local residents and foreigners are recruited into the HuJI-B. Besides, refugees from Myanmar are a significant source of cadres for the outfit. They include stateless Rohingyas, whose families have fled Myanmar over the years allegedly due to religious persecution. Cadres of the HuJI-B are primarily recruited from various Madrassas (seminaries). Madrassas essentially impart religious training and most of them are financed by Arab charities.

Jama’atul Mujahidin Bangladesh (JMB) is reported to have been formed in 1998 in Jamalpur district.
While the exact origin is shrouded in mystery, its existence came to notice on May 20, 2002 with the arrest of eight militants at Parbatipur in Dinajpur district along with 25 petrol bombs and documents detailing the outfit’s activities. Subsequently, on February 13, 2003, the JMB is reported to have carried out seven bomb explosions in the Chhoto Gurgola area of Dinajpur town in which three persons were wounded. Some reports suggest that it is the youth front of the Al Mujahidin, an organization allegedly formed in the mid-1990s but whose existence is still ambiguous, whereas others indicate that the JMB is another name for the vigilante Islamist group-the Jagrata Muslim Janata Bangladesh (JMJB).
The JMB was proscribed by the Government on February 23, 2005.
Leadership: Maulana Saidur Rahman is known to be heading the JMB after the March 30, 2007 execution of the top six militant leaders of the outfit. On November 16, 2008 security forces came close to arresting Saidur Rahman who used to live in a rented house in the Mirpur locality of capital Dhaka. Although the raid resulted in the arrest of a JMB ehsar (full-time worker) identified as Mohammad Hanif alias Kamal, Saidur Rahman managed to escape. In the early hours of March 30, 2007, six top militants of the JMB, including its ‘supreme commander’ Maulana Abdur Rahman and second-in-command, Siddiqul Islam alias Bangla Bhai were executed in different jails in Bangladesh. The other senior leaders of the outfit who were hanged were Majlish-e-Shura (the highest decisionmaking body) members Abdul Awal, Khaled Saifullah and Ataur Rahman Sunny and suicide squad member Iftekhar Hasan Al-Mamun. All of them had been pronounced guilty by the Supreme Court of involvement in the killing of two judges in Jhalakathi in November 2005.
On March 4, 2007, President Iajuddin Ahmed had rejected the mercy petitions filed by the convicted militants paving the way for their execution. Prior to the March 30, 2007 execution, JMB was led by a triumvirate consisting of its ‘supreme commander’ Abdur Rahman, Siddiqul Islam alias Bangla Bhai of the Jagrata Muslim Janata Bangladesh (JMJB) and Muhammad Asadullah al-Ghalib, an Arabic language lecturer at the Rajshahi University and chief of the Ahle Hadith Andolon Bangladesh (AHAB). Of these, Maulana Rahman was projected as spiritual leader of the organization while Bangla Bhai functioned as the second-in-command and the outfit’s ‘operational chief’.
On March 2, 2006, Abdur Rahman, surrendered after a 34-hour siege at his East Shaplabagh hideout in Sylhet City, 200 kilometres northeast of capital Dhaka. Arrested along with Rahman were his wife, sons, daughters, grandson, domestic helps and some associates. Four days later, on March 6, 2006 the JMB number two Siddiqul Islam hiding in a tin-shed in the remote Rampur village under the Muktagachha sub-district of Mymensingh, 120 kilometres north of Dhaka, was wounded and captured, after skirmishes with the Rapid Action Battalion (RAB). Asadullah al-Ghalib was arrested on February 23, 2005.
Operational details of the outfit are overseen by a seven member Majlish-e-Shura. Apart from Abdur Rahman and Siddiqul Islam, the Shura consisted of Ataur Rahman Sunny (arrested on December 14, 2005), Abdul Awal (arrested on November 18, 2005), Rakib Hasan Russel alias Hafez Mohammad (arrested on February 28, 2006), Faruq Hossain alias Khaled Saifullah, ‘commander’ of the Rangpur-Dinajpur region (arrested on April 26, 2006) and Salahuddin alias Salehin, ‘commander’ of the Sylhet Mymensingh region (arrested on April 25, 2006). Some of the other leaders of the outfit were Maulana Akramuzzaman, AbdurRouf, Maulana Shahidul Islam, Maulana Mahadi, Sheikh Maulana Noman, Maulana Manjur Ahmed, most of who were reportedly trained in Afghanistan.
Objectives and Ideology: The Jama’atul Mujahidin Bangladesh (Party of the Mujahidin) aims at establishing the rule of Islam in Bangladesh through an armed struggle. The outfit is opposed to the establishment of democracy and calls for the conduct of government under Islamic law. On August 17, 2005, while claiming responsibility for the serial blasts through leaflets, in Bangla and Arabic, left at the site of the explosions across the country, the JMB said: “We’re the soldiers of Allah. We’ve taken up arms for the implementation of Allah’s law the way Prophet, Sahabis and heroic Mujahidin have done for centuries… It is time to implement Islamic law in Bangladesh. There is no future with man-made law”.
The JMB said the blasts were its “third call” to establish Islamic rule in Bangladesh. “If ignored and [if] our people are arrested or persecuted, Jama’atul Mujahidin will take the counter-action,” the leaflets said. They also warned the United States and Britain against occupation of Muslim lands: “It is also to warn Bush and Blair to vacate Muslim countries, or to face Muslim upsurge.” Espousing a radical variant of Islam, the outfit is opposed to cultural functions, cinema halls, shrines and NGOs. One of the objectives of JMB is to free Muslims of the influence of ‘anti-Islam forces’ and practices that brought women out of their houses.
Weaponry: An analysis of the seizures from JMB cadres and their hideouts indicate that the outfit uses or has access to time bombs, detonators, petrol bombs and RDX explosives. Militants of the JMB are known to receive extensive training in explosive making. The JMB’s involvement in the August 17, 2005 country-wide bombings is also a pointer towards its explosive making and planting expertise.

The JMB is also reported to be procuring its arms and explosives from militant groups in Pakistan, Myanmar, Thailand, India and China, which are brought into the country through land and sea routes.
Finance: The JMB has reportedly received funds from individual donors in countries like Kuwait, the UAE, Bahrain, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia and Libya. Several international NGOs such as the Kuwait-based Revival of Islamic Heritage and Doulatul Kuwait, UAE-based Al Fuzaira, KhairulAnsar Al Khairia, Bahrain-based Doulatul Bahrain and Saudi Arabia-based Al Haramaine Islamic Institute have provided, over the years, a generous amount of funding to the outfit. The JMB and its leaders are reported to have invested in a large number of shrimp farms and cold storages in the south-western region of Bangladesh. The outfit is also alleged to be involved in activities such as money laundering which ensures a steady flow of finances to its coffers. Funds through the Hundi (illegal money transfer mechanism) channel are generated through operatives in places such as Dhaka, Jessore and Chittagong.
JMB cadres and students of Madrashas affiliated to the outfit collect tolls regularly for running the organization, according to The Daily Star.
JMB leader AsadullahGhalib, who is also the Ahle Hadith Andolon Bangladesh chief, after his arrest on February 23, 2005, admitted to have spent ‘crores of taka’ for building mosques and seminaries, giving military-style training to Madrassa students and other organizational works.
UlamayeAnjuman e Al Baiyinaat was first established in 1998 as a readers’ forum of a monthly – Al Baiyinaat. Main spiritual philosophy of this organization was ` Perfect Sufism’. Later on this organization published a Daily named Al Ihsan along with Monthly Al Baiyinaat. According to organizational structure Peer of Rajarbagh of Dhaka Hazrat Imam Sayeed Muhammad Dillur Rahman is the President and others are merely members. This organization though talks about Sufism but preaches all sort of nonsense and fabricated version of Islam. By nature all the members of Baiyinaat are extreme in ideology. Often they interpretIslam in a funny manner and give their own made explanation which were already denounced by the main stream religious scholars.
This organization was formed at Kachari Bazar Mosque in Gaibandha district in 1995. Moulana Matin Mehdi alias Matin Mahbub ( Son off Enamul Haque , Bridge Road , Gaibandha) along with Assistant Inspector Abu Taleb of national parliament, Shamim, Sohel and few other ( total 9 persons) took initiative to form Allahar Dal. At present Matin Mehdi is in jail facing trial. In his absence Mehdi Hasan Palash is running the party in discreet. Members of this organization believe that they are preaching true Islam and are trying to implement the law of the Qur’an. They don’t accept man made constitutional laws and bindings. They also declared that they wouldn’t go to mosque for prayers till the Qur’anic laws are implemented. But actually they don’t follow the basic principles of Islam and eminent religious leaders consider this organization as a tool of creating unwanted division and chaos in the society in politicizing Islam.
HIZUT TOUHID Hizut Touhid is an extremist radical organization. According to the leaders of this organization Bangladesh is an`un-Islamic’ country. So, praying is not mandatory in Bangladesh (Praying is a Farz means vital/obligatory in Islam). Members of this organization don’t recognize any of the laws of the country and try to force others in their locality to establish so called `Kazi’ (means judge) system suitable to their own dictation. Even this group claims that only the followers of their party are Muslims and other Muslims of the whole world (1.3 billion) are Kafirs – means non- Muslims, infidels!!! They also believe that except their members no other Muslim is entitled to `Salam’ (wish like good morning, in Islamic tradition it is As Salamualaikum- Peace be upon you). The head of the party is called ‘Imamuzzaman’ and the local leader is called ‘Ameer’. They have one office at Bijoynagarin Dhaka. They are found active in few areas of Dhaka, Narshingdi, Faridpur, Madaripur, Barishal, Kushtia, Rajshahi, Noakhali and Feni. Total number of members is approximately 4000 in the country.
Police first came to know about this organization when 4 of the cadres were arrested at Daudkandi of Commilla district on 10 September 2003. Executive Director of the organization is Moulana Syed Humayun Kabir. In the distributed leaflets, this organization called on the Muslims of Bangladesh to eliminate the then BNP govt., declare democracy as an alien ideology, form a government at their choice (choice of the party), and denounceUSA as an evil power and desire to fight against USA till it is totally annihilated. An ex leader of Jamaat e Islami( who was thrown out of Jamaat) – Abdul Jabbar wanted to establish the so called `sovereignty of Allah’ in Bangladesh. They even declared that soon Abdul Jabbar would establish a government according to their choice where one Mr. Humayun Kabir would be the Prime Minister. But by this time Moulana Jabbar died. There are approximately 200 members of this organization in BD.
This militant organization is totally different than the other militant organization not only for Bangladesh perspective but also for the whole world. Where other radical organizations are centered on rural, uneducated and Madrassa students, this HuT concentrates on educated lot from a well off background like engineers, doctors, university teachers, computer experts and private university students. Their pattern or indoctrination is different also where they brainwash a person through knowledge based procedures. It was found that wherever this HuT could establish a ground there they tried to penetrate to armed forces with an intention of (utopian) Islamic uprising from the rank and file of the army. In almost all the Muslim countries disbanded this organization, but surprisingly they have not stopped and continuing with their recruitment and covert activities. It is alleged that the militants who participated in the Holy Artisan massacre had first been recruited by HuT. And the family background and education level of these terrorists point fingers towards HuT. Might be the early recruits of HuT were absorbed in the new format.
They are well organized, well-funded, having professionals of all skills and maintain a systematic propaganda with an excellent professionalism.
Status: The organization was founded in 1953 in Jerusalem by Alem Shaiyekh Taqiuddin al-Nabhani. The organization then expanded to non-Arab and non-Muslim countries including USA and UK. The organization was established in Bangladesh with the support of its UK branch. A Professor of Management in Dhaka University returned from the UK and established Hizb-ut-Tahrir in Bangladesh in 200. Hizb-ut-Tahrir has so far been banned in 23 countries. These are: the USA, Russian Federation, Pakistan, Denmark, Holland, France, Sudan, Qatar, Oman, Jordan, Syria, Iraq, Egypt, Libya, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Turkey, Kirgyzstan, Azerbaijan, Turkmenistan, Tunisia and Bangladesh. Other than that, governments of the following countries are vigilant of their activities: Indonesia, Malaysia, Australia, and Brunei Darussalam.
The organization has been banned in Bangladesh mainly for the following reasons: challenging the prevailing system in the country, making provocative statements about neighboring countries, commenting that the Middle Eastern countries are dictator- ruled and making derogatory comments on the Bangladesh Army. Even during 2011 this attachment of this organization was found in hatching a coup inside Bangladesh army. In Pakistan few of the military officers including a Brigadier posted at GHQ were found associated with HuT and were court martialed.Chief coordinator and spokesman of the Bangladesh branch of this organization were once found to be a teacher of Business Administration of Dhaka University. The organization has 2000 workers and more than 1 lac supporters. There are 18 cases against Hizb-ut-Tahrir in different areas of Bangladesh including Dhaka and there are cases against more than 100 of their leaders. Eight leaders of this organization are currently in jail. Two of the 9 members comprising the special central committee of Hizb-ut-Tahrir are teachers of Dhaka University. The Bangladesh branch of Hizb-ut-Tahrir is mainly controlled by 4 leaders.
Objectives and Ideology: Its aim is to resume the Islamic way of life and to convey the Islamic Call to the world in the name of establishing so called `Caliphate’. This objective means bringing the Muslims back to living an Islamic way of life (in their words) in Dar al-Islam (the domain of Islam) and in an Islamic society such that all of life’s affairs in society are administered according to the Sharia laws. The Party, as well, aims at the correct revival of the Islamic Ummah through enlightened thought. It also strives to bring it back to its previous might and glory. The organization believes in armed Jihad.
Areas of activity and influence: Hizbut-Tahrir started to carry their so called Islamic call within some of the Arab countries. It then proceeded to expand the delivery of the Islamic call naturally until it began to function in many Arab countries and in non-Arab Muslim countries as well.
HizbutTahrir is recruiting followers at Bangladesh’s universities and several of its student activists had been arrested in the country for distributing inflammatory leaflets. It uses the examples of Palestine, Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria and Western countries’ policies as the grounds for recruiting – saying that its own policies will bring Bangladesh into a “Golden Age”, as once Islam experienced. Derogatory cartoons of the Prophet [PBUH] in the West or adverse anti-Islamic acts like Islam phobia would present the grounds for a Hizbut Tahrir protest and recruitment drive.
Activists: Most leaders and supporters of this organization are students and teachers of public and private universities. The center of activities of Hizb-ut-Tahrir is the Dhaka University, BUET, NSU and these are then spread to other universities. Hizb-ut-Tahrir is suspected of involvement with proscribed Jama’atul Mujahideen Bangladesh (JMB) and other forms of religious extremism and militancy in the country and elsewhere. The Rapid Action Battalion (RAB) finds the statements of Hizb-ut-Tahrir and JMB as similar in nature, even though RAB is yet to trace HT’s link or involvement in terrorist activity in Bangladesh. Many analysts believe that the recruitment of ISIS from educated students was mainly carried out by HuT through their different channels including social media.
Finance: Hizbut-Tahrir garners support and funds for its Bangladeshi designs in Bangladesh and in the UK. Their members hail from well off families or personally have good jobs and donate regularly to their secret fund.
Activities: Hizbut-Tahrir issued a press release in its website on 13 January 2011 saying that ‘it would campaign this month (January 2011) exposing the government’s treacherous policies against the country and crusade against Islam for the past two years.’ As part of this campaign, the party published a dossier entitled, ‘Two Years of Sheikh Hasina Government: Policies to serve US-Britian-India and Crusade against Islam’. The party planned to organize further activities in major cities of the country from 14 – 30 January 2011, mobilizing public opinion against government policies and urging the people, ulemas, politicians, intellectuals and the people of power to remove the government and establish the Khilafah (Caliphate). They propagated in the same manner against Khaleda Zia government mentioning that as Haram (strictly forbidden) as led by a lady.
Both the Hasina’sand Khaleda Zia’s BNP government are not acceptable to HuT.
According to this outfit, both are subservient to and agents of US-Britain-India; and they are unified upon implementing the kufrdemocratic system. The party called upon the people, ulemas, politicians, intellectuals and army officers to fulfill their Islamic duty of removing the Hasina government and the entire Awami-BNP political systems.
Trends: Hizb-ut-Tahrir members are now sending letters against the government and the opposition BNP to different media offices and people including journalists and editors. After the arrest of the top leaders, the activities of Hizb-ut-Tahrir are being controlled from Britain through e-mail and phone. About 9 to 10 Bangladeshis, who are British citizens, are controlling these activities. After ISIS was formed this organization systematically started propagating through social media the `glories’ of the declared Caliph Bagdadi. But as said earlier they went hiding all on a sudden from January 2015.
A new militant outfit emerged under the name of Islam-o-Muslim, believed to be a dissident breakaway faction of JMB. It came to light when the Detective Branch (DB) of the Bangladesh police apprehended a JMB terrorist in Dhaka’s Fakirerpool district on June 28, 2009. Another such arrest was made on June 30 from Gazipur district. The arrestee claimed to be the chief of IoM. He formed IoM following an internal feud growing within the ranks of the JMB, primarily over financial and ideological matters.
Current Status: After a string of arrests, the elite counterterrorism outfit Rapid Action Battalion (RAB) claimed they had foiled IoM’s attempt to expand its activities by arresting many of its top leaders in a stepped-up crackdown on the terrorist infrastructure in Bangladesh.
Leadership: All the leaders of the new offshoot were close aides to the executed militant kingpin of JMB, Siddiqul Islam alias Bangla Bhai. These leaders faked their identity and operated their activities under the shelter of their businesses. Some of them were former members of the JMB’s Majlis-e-Shura (Council of Advisors). Primarily, the activists of Islam-o-Muslim targeted the educational and religious institutions as their main camp.
They have an aim to dominate an area comprised of Gomastapur, Shibganj and Bholahatupazilas of Chapainawabganj, Bagmara of Rajshahi and Raninagar and Atrai of Naogaon. They opted to wage an armed struggle (Jihad) with small arms rather than their usual usage of bombs. The newly-formed organization also started training their members in arms and bullet manufacturing. Although the number of its members could not be ascertained, it is alleged that its leaders were in charge of recruiting new members from active as well as inactive members of JMB in ChapaiNawabganj, Rajshahi and Naogaon districts.
The IoM aims to wage jihad with small arms, focusing on weapons and ammunition manufacturing in their hideouts. IoM cadres vehemently oppose many the JMB’s activities, especially bomb blasts. Instead, they prefer assassination-style killings with small arms as their main tactic.

This is not a religion based militant organization. Rather an offshoot of extreme political phenomenon. After a protracted insurgency the tribal communities of Chittagong Hill Tracts (South Eastern part of Bangladesh) signed a peace treaty with Bangladesh government in 1997. PCJSS which was the forerunner of the blood soaking insurgency for long 25 years was granted immunity and its leadership given the opportunity to run local administration in CHT. But a group disassociated from them and started claiming independence of that particular area and if require vowed to wage a war against Bangladesh government. They started getting trained and armed and by this time entrenched themselves inside CHT.
In recent days they are found to be very active in online activities where they relentlessly propagating against Bangladesh government and armed forces. Even they have started posting photographs of their training with modern arms. In Facebook they run a page titled ‘CHT Jummaland’. During last two years or so this UPDF had clashed several times with Bangladesh army and continued with their mischievous demand which is tantamount to treason violating national integrity. They are found to be engaged in drug business and illegal arms dealings. Randomly the armed cadres of this group collect ransom from the civilians and goes further to kidnappings and killings.

The whole world is facing the challenge of unconventional terrorist threats. Every day the terrorists are changing their patterns and dimensions of attacks. From Lone Wolf attack to attacks launched from unmanned platforms are the reason behind the ‘sleepless nights’ of many of the top most security agencies around the globe. An unconventional threat becomes more dangerous when it comes from multi-dimensional sources.
According to an analytical research paper published by UK based, Open Briefing (the civil society intelligence agency) in January 2016, there are many examples of individuals using drones for purposes beyond authorized and accepted use, and these suggest scenarios for future lone wolf attacks. In September 2011, a 26-year-old American man was arrested by undercover FBI agents planning to fly explosives-laden model aero planes into the Pentagon and US Capitol and rig mobile phones to detonate improvised explosive devices (IEDs). In January 2015, an off-duty employee of the US National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency lost control of a friend’s DJI Phantom quad copter, which then crashed onto the White House lawn. The incident raised concerns about the extent to which the Secret Service is prepared for drone activity. Four months later, a man was arrested for trying to fly a Parrot Bebop drone over the White House fence. In France, unidentified drones have been flown over the US embassy, the Eiffel Tower, the Invalides military museum, the submarine communications base at Sainte-Assise, the Place de la Concorde, the Elysee Palace and multiple nuclear power stations. In June 2014, an unidentified drone was used to monitor the French national football team during a closed training session at the 2014 World Cup in Brazil. In July 2014, an unidentified drone came within six meters of an Airbus A320 as it landed at London’s Heathrow Airport, prompting the Civil Aviation Authority to issue new safety guidelines, known as the ‘drone code’. In October 2015, an unidentified drone crashed into the Sydney Opera House.
Fortunately, there has so far been very few instances of individual terrorists using drones to undertake attacks. What could be was demonstrated in April 2015 when a man landed a drone on the Japanese prime minister’s office in Tokyo? The drone was carrying a bottle containing radioactive sand from Fukushima, which was emanating up to 1.0 microsievert per hour.”
The reason behind this discussion is to let the state mechanism think more deeply about the security of the high value installations & important personnel who keep the country alive and running.
Fact Analysis: While taking care of the security of mass population including foreign official and tourists, we shouldn’t forget about the imminent threat on our high value installations. National high value installation includes President/Prime Minister’s Office & Residence; Parliament House; International & Domestic Airports; International Seaports; HQs of different Law Enforcing Agencies, Intelligence and Armed Forces; High Commissions/ embassies of closer development partners and their aid organizations etc. Few most dangerous multi- dimensional attacks might be carried out on the discussed high value targets are;
Lone Wolf Attack: This kind of attack is carried out by a single intruder who somehow gets into the high value installation/personnel perimeter and carry out massacre or go for suicide explosion. This kind of attack has been seen many times in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Syria, USA, France, Turkey, Yemen and few other African countries. Even the most powerful countries were failed to stop this sort of attack. Last attack on Nice, France was not a high value target considering the general definition but if we consider the mass gathering of people there on that day, it will clearly seem to be a high value target. The world has seen how much damage a single lone wolf can cause. Now if we consider the security of our high value installation & personnel, are we prepared enough to stop this kind of attack? Shouldn’t we at least secure the perimeter of our high value installation & personnel so that we can prevent that before it can take any effect?
Group Attack: We have seen what a group of intruder consisting 5/6 people have done in Gulshan Holey Artisan Bakery. Though it was not a high value installation, but what if it was one of the high value installations discussed above? Are we prepared to counter an organized group of that sort in our airport & seaports? What if a group of attacker gets into our airport by cutting the barbed wire perimeter and carries out the attack? The recent attack in an airport of Turkey is enough to understand how vulnerable we are. The internal security checking is not enough anymore. Terrorist will not come to the checkpoint to get themselves checked by security personnel. Manned security system doesn’t even notice the intruders until they hear the gunshots or explosion.
Attack from UNAMMNED Platform: This is considered as the next most dangerous dimension of threat by the world’s top security agencies. Using UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle), attackers can carry out IED explosion in any of the discussed high value installation or personnel. Even without any explosive, a UAV hitting inside the engine of any aircraft taking off or landing in our airport is enough to cause massacre. On the other hand, there are UGVs (Unmanned Ground Vehicle) which usually can carry more payload than a UAV are also to be considered with priority. Not only installations route, perimeter of rally, perimeter of public speech etc., of our high value personnel are not secure and our LEAs are capable to counter these unmanned platform attacks. For the speed of these unmanned platforms, snipers are also ineffective to shoot them down. So, we still didn’t take any initiative about a serious laps in our security and VIP protection system. Shouldn’t we take necessary preparation to counter any such terror attack?
Recommendations: At this moment, following counter measures can be taken at least to safeguard President & Prime Minister’s office, residence, movement route, rally etc; International Airport & Seaport; Parliament House; High Commissions of development partner countries etc as top priority.
Perimeter Security: Proven perimeter intrusion management system combined with heavy duty camera and miniature man detection radar should be deployed in the high value installations. So that, security agencies can identify& neutralize any intruder long before they can cause any damage.
Long Range UAV&UGV Jammer: Proven all-weather, 360º UAV&UGV jammer should be deployed inside the high value installations. So that, UAV or UGVs cannot cross the perimeter of these installations. Portable variants of these jammers should be a part of the convoy where high value personnel moves.
UAV&UGV Shooter: Rifle version of UAV&UGV jammer should be issued to a specific number of security personnel involved in the security of high value installation and personnel. With this system unwanted UAV&UGVs can be shot down.
Islam never encourages terrorism or killing of innocent human beings. As per the dictation of Quran even during war the Muslims are prohibited to destroy trees, farm land, kill or injure women, children and elderly people. Quran says if someone kills an innocent human being, it is as if he had killed the whole of humanity.
Islam strictly condemns religious extremism and the use of violence against the lives of innocent people. There is no justification in Islam for extremism or terrorism. Targeting civilians’ life and property through suicide bombings or any other method of attack is ‘Haram’ – or forbidden – and those who commit these barbaric acts are criminals, not “martyrs.”
Islam teaches us to act in a caring manner to all of God’s creation. The Prophet Muhammad, who is described in the Quran as “a mercy to the worlds” said: “All creation is the family of God, and the person most beloved by God (is the one) who is kind and caring toward His family.”
Islam never teaches to tease other religion or paint obnoxious cartoon of any Prophet of other religion whether it is Jesus, Moses, Abraham or David. Rather, Islam teaches us that Jesus and Moses are also the prophets for the Muslims and any Muslim dishonoring them ceased to be Muslim.
It is to be remembered by all that the Muslims themselves are the main victims of terrorism and thousands of them have died in suicide or car bombings and that Muslim lives are being taken `generously’ by the terrorists every day.
Days will not be same again in Bangladesh after the Holey Artisan Bakery terror attack. This incident shows how a peaceful country can be drawn into a menacing horror and how it’s law enforcing agencies react, how information if not assimilated and collated properly with a coordinated manner could bring disaster. It also helps in opening the eyes of the concerned departments of the government and strengthens their resolve to eliminate the ghosts of militancy. Now is the time for national unity during such an event which put our national security in risk. This is not the time to do politics with a sensitive issue, rather to show professionalism with highest morale.
- Information provided in this article are taken from various sources including LEAs and the survey conducted by BDJ reporting team
- The Article was previously published in Bangladesh Defence Journal as the cover story for it’s August 2016 Edition.
Abu Rushd, the President of the Institute of Strategy and Tactics Research (ISTR), is a towering figure whose unparalleled experience spans military service, defense journalism, and global intelligence analysis. A former military officer turned investigative journalist, Abu Rushd brings over three decades of expertise in national security, international relations, and defense intelligence, making him an authoritative voice in shaping strategic discourse on global security challenges.
As a pioneer of defense journalism in Bangladesh, Abu Rushd has continuously pushed the boundaries of investigative reporting. He introduced defense and intelligence coverage into Bangladeshi media and established the Bangladesh Defence Journal, the country’s only publication dedicated to these critical issues. His in-depth understanding of intelligence agencies, military operations, and insurgency conflicts is reflected in his eight widely acclaimed books, with works cataloged in prestigious institutions like the University of Chicago, Yale University, and the University of Toronto.
Rushd's fearless journalism has taken him from the conflict zones of Sierra Leone to the reconstruction efforts in South Sudan. He has served as an official media partner at global defense expos, providing high-level analysis and insights into international security operations. His work on intelligence agencies, including his influential book on Indian espionage RAW in Bangladesh, stands as a testament to his commitment to uncovering hidden geopolitical forces.
As the President of ISTR, Lt. Abu Rushd's leadership reflects a rare combination of military precision, investigative rigor, and intellectual boldness. His visionary approach is essential for advancing strategic research that influences policy and shapes the future of global security.